Retirement Flats at Atawhai, 1984 |
This project is remembered by those who
worked on it as probably the most effective one the Club has ever done. While not
requiring as much money as the Town Hall renovations, this project required a lot of
labour, and members responded willingly, giving time after work and in their weekends.
- Early History
- June 1983. Bill Love's
committee, (Community) suggest the Club finance and build a flat at Atawhai.
Based on an idea suggested by Ben Edginton.
- Club accepts the project in
the same month.
- August 1983. Reported
the architects had started on the plans
- Site clearing started in
January 1984
- The floors were poured in
February 1984
- Units completed March 1984
- April 1984, "Roof" shout a
huge success.
- March 1985, the units were
handed over to the PSSA.
This major project was
completed in the Club's jubilee year, 1984
Building two residential homes at PSSA's Residential Centre in Taradale, is
one of the projects the Club is most proud of. As well as a contribution of
$8000, the project was achieved through the willing guidance of its team of
building experts plus the contribution of labour offered by its members. Through
the weeks of summer, using daylight savings, members rolled up to offer their
help after they had returned from work. They completed a wide range of work from
the laying of the foundations, to the landscaping of the gardens. The building
professionals estimated the value of this labour was worth
- Inner Wheel and Altrusa
contributed $1000 for carpeting and cooking utensils.
The key members of the Building
Committee who supervised all aspects of the whole project and contributed their
own time in their specialist areas, were
No project epitomises the spirit
of Rotary and serving its community, more than this one.
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Report of the Building Committee to the Directors
On 12 July, 1983, a meeting was held at
Ron Schofield's to form a Committee to handle the building of 2 flats at
ATAWHAI for PSSA, as our 25th Jubilee project.
Those present were:- Dave Nichol, lan Kepka,
Jim Dine, Mark Read, Ted Skudder, Bill Love, Ben Edginton, Bill Beaton and Ron
Schofield. A Building Committee was elected and they are;
Ron Schofield (Chairman), Ken Jobson, lan Kepka, Ben Edginton, Bill Love, Ted
Skudder, Jim Dine and Dave Rench.
It was decided that the first step was to
obtain sets of plans and have these available for each of our builder tradesmen
for perusal. All the steps, such as necessary services to siting, permits,
power, water and all necessary services to be organised. A cheque account to be
set up; methods of paying into this account by PSSA to be attended to. After our
builders have set out the job and estimated our labour involvement, teams will
be recruited and asked, or told, how often their help will be required.
It was decided to start as soon as possible
and make the most of this summer, daylight, saving, and anyone who may be able
to help during their Christmas holidays. lan Kepka has offered "Kwiknail" to do all
framing and deliver onto the site. Club to supply materials. Dave Rench
has offered to do brickwork.
With 3 plumbers, 2 electricians, 4 builders and 77
labourers we don't anticipate any
problems in handling this project, and carrying it through to a successful
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The Taradale Times reported on the 24th August, 1983
Atawhai to benefit from Taradale Rotary
The Taradale
Rotary Club today announced plans to build a double unit at the Atawhai Centre
as a 25th anniversary project. Work on the new unit, which is to be built
to the same design as the existing Atawhai flats, is expected to be under way
within a month.
The club is contributing $8000
of the total cost and is providing all the labour to complete the job. Club
president Mr Bill Beaton said the project is the biggest the club has taken on.
"Over the years we have helped the community in
all sorts of ways from our auction day proceeds but this year, being our 25th
anniversary, we wanted to make a special effort,", he said.
Half the funds needed are already in hand
and the club anticipates the rest will come from next year's auction and market
day. Mr Beaton said building skills from among the club's membership are diverse
enough to do the whole job.
A building committee, under the chairmanship of Mr Ron Schofield,
is made up of builders, a bricklayer, a plumber and an electrician.
Mr Schofield said the committee will spearhead
the building effort but will "call on 77 labourers from the club" to roll up
their sleeves and help." |
Hawke's Bay Herald Tribune,
Wednesday, January 18th 1984 |
Ground cleared for flats The ground was cleared today at Taradale's Atawhai Home for
two new flats being built Jointly by the Taradale Rotary Club and the
Presbyterian Social Services Associati on.
Four of the people Involved in the
building programme (from left) Mr
lan Kepka, building supervisor, Mrs Lesley
Nilsson, principal nurse at the home, Mr Callum Kirkpatrick, chairman of the
PSSA, and Mr Bill Beaton, president of Taradale
Rotary, look over the plans of the units.
The work is expected to be completed
in 12 months and the two flats will be used by elder ly
or disabled people who can live with a
of care from home staff. |
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The following photos
were made available by Bob Twaddle and Jim Dine and are a tribute to the late Ben
Edginton and late Ron Schofield. Ben is seen in a number of them in
his favourite building dress- just a pair of shorts and boots.
Work starts on the foundations. Mid-Feb 1984 |
Mark Read and Dave Rench in control |
Mark shows new found skills while Ben checks the alignment |
Ben- master builder |
The team. Part of the 77 labourers! |
Foundations are down |
Charlie Bell and Bob McCaw showing great style! |
Framing goes up. |
March 1984 |
Clendon Street and Colin Carson |
Leith Peddie and Norm Lee
Building homes is more fun than selling them! |
Ron Schofield, Yick Gee, Ken Jobson |
Dave Rench works to perfection |
Dave Nichol looks worried; Ron Ward has "no worries" |
Doug McGechan decide tape is better! |
Gil Atkins tell Stuart Lothian what to do |
Harold Howard just loves filling cavities; Ken Jobson does a bit of finishing |
Jim Dine turns the lights on |
Jim Gordon looks a little bent |
John Poppewell (front) takes a long drag. Jim Germain and Ron Schofield look dubious |
Bob Twaddle does it in style; Kel Tremain packs down on the side. |
Keppy (Ian Kepka) does the heavy work |
Kyle Symons and Doug Rees put their "shoulder to the wheel" as Doug used to exhort the Club when he was Editor |
Bob McCaw and Mark Read admire Derek Rickett's style |
Left. A couple of bankers consider their balance sheet. Denis Swan (rear) and Brian Neilson.
Right. John Campbell with a "Flower Barrow" |
Noel Ashenden works on the fancy stuff |
Ron Ebbett show Mark Read how its done |
Dennis Swan (Swanny) gets dirty |
Ted Skudder does the hard work |
Iain Angus organises the tree planters |
Greg Gear, Tony Trent & George Mitchell (resident and 87!) pause for a snap |
Win Geenty in dangerous territory |
Team Atawhai |
The first plants go in |
The finished product from the front. Feb 1985 |
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Daily Telegraph
Tuesday March 28th, 1985
Efforts earn top award |
Taradale Rotary leader Mr Ron Schofield
surveys the flats at Atawhai home for the elderly. His contribution to the
flats earnt him one of the Rotary's highest awards — the Paul Harris
Fellowship. Taradale Rotary built the flats last year with voluntary
labour, and also provided $8000 towards building materials, and $1000
worth of shrubs.
Inner Wheel and Altrusa clubs of Napier each donated $1000 for carpeting
and cooking appliances, and many Napier firms also contributed their
An auction held by the Rotary Club last
year raised $15,000 towards the two flats. A similar auction is being held
by clubs on Saturday to raise money for the Hawke's Bay Hospice.
Hawke's Bay Herald Tribune,
Monday, March 18th 1985
Taradale Rotarians give units to Atawhai |
Two double-bedroom home units
at the Atawhai centre for the elderly at Taradale were officially handed
over by the Taradale Rotary Club yesterday.
The Rotarians have provided
$45,000 worth of labour over the last 14 months to build the units.
The project marked the club's silver
jubilee and the buildings were officially opened by the founder president,
Mr Tom McDonald. The buildings were handed over to the Presbyterian Support
Services, which run the Atawhai centre.
As well as the labour
content, the Rotarians also provided $8000 toward the building materials and
$1000 worth of shrubs.
The Inner Wheel and Altrusa
clubs each donated $1000 for carpeting and for cooking appliances.
 Mr Tom
McDonald, founder president of the Taradale Rotary Club in 1959, officially
handing over units at a function yesterday |
The project leader was Mr Ron
Schofield and he was awarded one of Rotary's top honours — a Paul Harris
Fellowship — for his work on this project. Also present at yesterday's
opening were the MP for Hawke's Bay, Dr Bill Sutton, and Napier's mayor Mr
Dave Prebensen. |
The following photos have
been made available by Bill Beaton, president at the time the flats were
officially handed over to the Presbyterian Support Services |
President Bill Beaton |
Vice President Mark Read |
Dr Bill Sutton, MP for Hawke's Bay |
Rev Duncan Jamieson |
The Mayor, Mr Dave Prebenson |
Ron Schofield presented with certificate of thanks from PSSA |
Ron Schofield |
PP Tom McDonald officially hands units over to Chairman of the PSSA, Mr Callum Kirkpatrick |
Mr Callum Kirkpatrick,Chairman of the PSSA |
Unveiling of the Rotary plaque |
VP Mark Read hand certificate of appreciation to Ben Edginton |
Ron Schofield, Chairman of Building Committee and Paul Harris |
Tom hands the keys to the new owners |
The Rotary plaque |
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